North Carolina Mayor's very own daughter applied for Kamala's $750 FEMA payment and was DENIED. No relief for Hurricane Helene victims.
(1 Minute Video Posted here Oct 12)
DENAZIFIED - NATO High-Ranking Officers & French Mercenaries Wiped Out In KONSTANTINOVKA & KHARKIV (8 Minute Video Posted here on March 21) Free Republic Discussion on this event/Confirms the death of one USA Citizen (Kevin Miller) LINK To FreeRepublic
I put together today's videos to remind those of us who are older of Vietnam. Vietnam a long-protracted war that
devastated many lives only benefitting the congressional industrial military complex. And to show: Russia is not evil. And, yet again, we are being lead down the path to war
(with at least one exception. That is; consequences will be much greater).
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PFAS are manufactured chemicals that have been used in industry and
consumer products since the 1940s.
Because of their widespread use and their persistence in the environment,
many PFAS are found in the blood of people and animals all over the world.
There are thousands of different PFAS, some of which have been more
widely used and studied than others.
There appears to be a lot more to this story that is being displayed by the Main Stream media.
Is there is an effort to control the message and influence the culture?
This thread "World Banking" brings to light the mess we are in. The Karen Hudes interview, while 1 hour and 12 minutes is enlighting, related
to other threads (Kennedy, Gilard and COVID) plus it provides hope. Definitely worth the time.
Today I find myself faced with the same dilemma as Chicken Little. Was I hit in the head with a truth bomb or a BS turd? Well considering the severity of the situation I'm going the Chicken Little route. Toxic particles, intended to control the weather, are falling out of the sky killing the planet plus they are destroying the food supply.
The spraying is killing the soil and drying key farming areas. Additionally, farmers being required to cull their livestock to reduce nitrogen levels (Climate Change). And unexplained die-offs.
New Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the Media's orchestrated attack
Posted: Sept 30,2022
The three videos posted hear do two things. One they provide a glimce of what Italy's new PM is all about. And two, they prove our
media is a tool of the government with a goal of controlling what you think.
The 1st video is Meloni just after her victory. The second video (8 minutes) highlights the
parrots in the media squarking the deep state talking point. The 3rd video (2 min) from the 1975
Church Committee provides insight into the CIA's influance into media (operation Mockingbird/look it up).
Note: The details of the Church Committee remain locked up and yet to be seen by the American people.
Italy's new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni sums it up perfectly (2 minute video)
Tip: When jumping to an external site via a link, use the Return Arrow on your Browser to return to
The Upcoming Alien Invasion
Carol Rosin Talks About Wernher VonBraun And The Last Card (Alien Invasion) That NASA Will Play
Posted: Sept 20,2022
Carol Rosin Talks About Wernher VonBraun And The Last Card That NASA Will Play.
A warning from the grave. Don't trust the upcoming narative on the upcoming Alien Invasion
Mole in the Trump Camp +++George Webb Reporting+++
..... Peter Duke Reporting on George Webb's Investagation
Posted: Aug 12,2022
George Webb outlines a case that Matt Pottinger is the mole within the Trump camp. Suggesting he is following in
father's footsteps. ..." I had profiled Matt Pottinger as the "Kissinger Kid", primarily because his father, Stanley Pottinger, was the key man in coming up
with "Deep Throat" in the Watergate Affair to take out Richard Nixon as President with Mark Felt of the FBI..."
I've followed George Webb for about 5 years. An ex-IBM Salesman who became an independent journalist after watching MacAfee release virus to increase revenue. With independent / inside connections he broke stories like how government insiders use blackberry to facilitate their crimes, the spy network in congress (Awan Brothers sending terabytes to Pakistan), our involvement in Biolabs and much more.
He has always worked with teams helping with research, getting the word out and refining the reporting.
Now he's hooked up with Peter Duke (at least for now). So now we have someone who can put Webb's reporting in some kind of order. Even with that, as you can see, his
reporting goes down unfamiliar paths and is very complicated.
The following 10 Minute Video George Webb reports on connections between Kolomoyskyi and the Rothschilds
with a discussion on old European money.
Added Aug 23, 2022
George Webb has been investigating the virus leak for years with an obsession to find Virgina Benassi.
Here he's saying Trump was on to them, had accumulated evidence and that the raid was to get the
documents that exposed their plans.
Is George right about what's behind the Mar lago raid? He starts out with a giant leap about missing BioLabs connected to the documents, but, it is an intriguing read.
Biden-Era USPS Chief in Mail-In Ballot Unit Arrested
Posted: Aug 2,2022
The following mid-July news story didn't get much attention. Your would think it might considering it is related to a Biden appointtee, pedophilia, and mail-in ballots
Reuters reported that crude oil from the strategic petroleum reserve was headed to India and the Netherlands as well as China.
According to an April press release from the U.S. Department of Energy, a contract to buy nearly 1 million barrels was awarded to Unipec
America, Inc., the trading arm of the state-owned China Petrochemical Corporation, commonly known as Sinopec.
As the conservative Washington Free Beacon recently noted, Hunter Biden, the president's son, has previously had ties to
Sinopec. A private equity firm he co-founded, Bohai Harvest RST, purchased a $1.7 billion stake in Sinopec Marketing in 2014.
Yesterday the Senate approved 40 Billion for the Ukraine war. Too late to call your representative and suggest less weapons in the world may be a good thing.
The baby formula plant shutdown since February has received the OK to restart. Abbott said it can restart the plant within two weeks.
However, it would take six to eight weeks from the start of production for formula to arrive on store shelves, the company noted. Abbott said
last week that no formula distributed from the plant to consumers tested positive for the bacteria, and genetic sequencing of two samples from the plant (non-production area) did
not match the strains found in the sick infants. It is also important to note the source of article on the border (where is MNM)..
There was little coverage on this from US Media.
The 1964 election between Barry Goldwater and Lyndon Johnson was a pivotal time for America.
It was also transformational period for black voters who were lead away from the Republican party by Jackie Robinson (a sports figure)
for the promise of civil rights legislation. Goldwater emphasized the need for a federal government that is
"limited and balanced and against the ever-increasing concentrations of authority in Washington" and that encouraged personal
responsibility among American citizens. He warned such a law could even open the door to a police-state system of enforcement
that would eventually threaten the liberty of us all. In the mean time LBJ, a known bigot who opposed every civil rights
measure that came before him during his twenty years in the congress, was now running on Civil Rights and de-escalation the Viet Nam.
Hindsight, shows us the "extremist" Goldwater would have been a far better choose than a man who became a billionaire managing his portfolio from the White house.
In the 32 minute video (link below) Candace Owens dissects the lefts strategy and provides a frank presentation on the values of conservation.
The following 40 minute video provides a little background information on Nina, along with an in-depth analysis by Peter Duke, of her prior comments on Color Revolutions
Note: The Video quality is weak. The original unedited video can be found on
The below links show an alternate narrative from Ukraine. With the current actions at Mariupol, the Russian invasion has defeated the AZOL Battalion and the Ukrainian defence is collapsing. Now there has been some talk that NATO is preparing to intercede. If they do, it will be significant escalation. Where are the peacemakers?
The Left-wing Media love to portray January 6th as an insurrection, feeding their narrative that Trump supporters were intent on destroying America. Yet, as the DOJ hunts down legitimate peaceful protesters from that day, they continue to conceal video of the event from public view.
Do we have Biolabs in Ukraine? - Independent Journalists did some checking
Posted: March 23,2022
The link below: On March 6, the Russian Defense Ministry said they found evidence of a US-financed military biological program developed in Ukraine during the ongoing military operation. Igor Konashenkov, the spokesman of the Russian Defense Ministry, said, "In the course of the special military operation, evidence of the Kyiv regime's hasty measures to conceal any traces of the military biological program finance by the US Department of Defense in Ukraine has been revealed."
Is that allegation true? Are we financing biolabs in Ukraine? Or threating Russia with Bio-weapons? The following 22 minute video attempts to summaries how a few independent journalist answered that question. You decide.
Keep in mind, the western narrative about the battles in Eastern Ukraine are all framed around calling the Ukrainian military,
spearheaded by the Azov battalions and the ultranationalists, as the good guys. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Two short videos that call out the global agenda to change the world. Hopefully the peace agreement can be obtained.
Considering Putins support for the Iran and the IUD campaign in Iraq that resulted in majority of losses and
injuries of Americans show he is not a good man. But neither are those who used Ukraine for an means to an end. Our leaders who cheer for stronger action will lead us into war and the slavery of a new world order. Now that Ukraine's American BioLabs, nasi influence, and killings in Donetsk and Luhansk regions has been exposed we come to a fork in the road. Will we pause and clean up this mess or will our media sweep it under the rug and send us deeper into war and down path to the new world order.
Missing Trillions - Connecting the central banking system to 911
Posted: March 12,2022
This is a 1 hour 28 minute interview with Catharine Austin Fitts. During the interview she explains what she calls a financial coup d'etat.
She explains why she thinks 911 was a PSYOP, that our Government is missing over 21 trillion and this is all part of planned Global financial reset.
Revealing Ukraine - Documentary film by Igor Lopatonok, produced by Oliver Stone.
Posted: March 10,2022
This is a 1 hour 29 minute documentary on Ukraine that was completed in 2019. It provides insights into the history and political realities inside Ukraine.
It includes an Oliver Stone interview with Putin, American influence, and a review of the 2013-14 Coup.
Revealing Ukraine
The link below is from around the time Trump was elected. It was dug up by Harry The Greek (Brassballs.Blog) a citizen Journalist.
It outlines the setup of a server and hacking team in Ukraine. It is amazing considering all the resources our press/media have yet one old timer can find stuff like this.
Updated March 12 - Removed Fitts Video See Post Above on March 12 for that content
Judy A Mikovits, PHD Indictment of NIH, Covid Response, Fauci, etc. Must Watch
Posted: Feb 25,2022
This video is 6 months old. Judy Mikovits goes on an extended rant. She discusses many aspects
of how our health is being contaminated. She also provides hope by providing a path forward.
You may find this video hard to follow. Webb inserts information from numerious prior reports.
If you come away with the idea that we have numerous BioLabs in the Ukraine, there are entrenched
Nazis (never cleaned out after WW2) and significant corruption, you may see Putin's invasions in a different light.
Not saying Putin is a good guy. Just, trying to show the potential threat from Ukraine to Russia.
I find myself posting info that puts Putin in a favorable light, so let me say I think invasion of Ukraine is a horrable event and do not agree with Putins use of force.
I am also concerned with amount of censorship and how quickly an alternate narative can be shutdown. Throw in significant corruption (on all sides) along with this push for a new world order and we have a lot to be concerned about.
Scott Ritter, the former United Nations weapons inspector who was arrested and imprisoned
for unlawful contact with a minor. Ritter was paroled from state prison in
Pennsylvania in September (2015). A vocal critic of the 2003 invasion of Iraq,
Ritter has resumed his trenchant writing on U.S. policy in the Middle East.
Aris Roussinos. Nationality. British and Greek. Occupation. Journalist and filmmaker. Employer. UnHerd. Aristeides John Roussinos
is a British journalist and author. He was formerly a war reporter working for Vice News. far as NIAID was concerned, there was no meaningful administrative distinction between biodefence and scientific research.
With the stroke of Cheney's pen, all United States biodefence efforts, classified or unclassified, were placed under the aegis of Anthony Fauci.
So important was this new command structure that a representative from the office of Scooter Libby, Cheney's powerful chief of staff,
was physically placed in NIAID headquarters in Washington during the transition to function as "a kind of political commissar" from
the vice president's office. This gave Fauci unparalleled access to not just Cheney, but President Bush, to whom he had an open channel.
Fauci now had a virtual carte blanche to not merely approve but design and run the kind of research projects he sought - and could do so
with no oversight structure above him. Biodefence projects that formerly would have fallen under the authority of military or
intelligence agencies were now under his direct supervision...
Posted Feb 17,2022 : Hat-tip FreeRepublic and FreedomPoster
Emory University has a very prestigious medical school. The Dean of Emory Medical School has Indian heritage, and co-wrote an article in the Times of India advocating using Ivermectin against Covid, among other things. This has gotten =ZERO= coverage in US media, including his hometown paper, the AJC, and his hometown news network, CNN.
Chairman of Chemistry and Biology Department at Harvard.
Named leading chemist in the world from 2000-2010 by Thomas Reuters based on the impact of his scientific publications.
Oct 6th 2017. He earned the prestigious NIH Director's Pioneer Award for his creative, syringe-injectable mesh electronics for stable monitoring and modulation of neural circuitry. The new mesh electronics paradigm affords seamless integration with the brain.
Lieber has published over 400 papers in peer-reviewed journals and is the principal inventor on more than 50 patents. In his spare time, Lieber has been active in commercializing nanotechnology, and founded the nanotechnology company Nanosys, Inc. in 2001 and the new nanosensor company Vista Therapeutics in 2007.
Eight Harvard scientists will receive nearly $8.5 million in funding through the National Institutes of Health's High Risk, High Reward program to support research into a host of questions, ranging from understanding humans' music faculty to the growth of axons to storing and reading out information from DNA.
"As a final example, this funding(8.5 Million from National Institutes of Health) will really help our goal of translating the work to human studies and ultimately human therapeutics/brain-machine interfaces,"
"I continually point to this program as an example of the creative and revolutionary research the NIH is supporting," said Francis S. Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). "The quality of the investigators and the impact their research has on the biomedical field is astounding. I always look forward to seeing what the new awardees are proposing and to watching how it is accomplished over the years."
Harvard Professor Charles Lieber Found Guilty of Lying About China Ties
Found guilty on all six felony charges, including two counts of making false statements and four related tax offenses. Federal prosecutors said Lieber, 62, chased money and Nobel hopes past the limits of the law by concealing his ties to China's Thousand Talents Program
Lieber became a "strategic scientist" for the Wuhan Institute of Technology* in central China and participated in Beijing's Thousand Talents Program from 2012 to 2015.
* Not to be confused with the Wuhan Level 4 lab. Note: The LAB is a 15 min car ride from the institute.
So, to answer my question who is Dr. Charles M. Lieber, he is a brilliant Scientist who invented injectable technology that provides an interface to the human brain. Funded by the NIH and Convicted for lying about his ties to China (you would think his story would have gotten more press). He also has terminal cancer. I don't know if he is a bad man with evil intentions. His inventions could have significant impact on improving the lives of many. Or in the hands of tyrants, cause great harm. Frankly, it looks more like he's a fall guy.
Lieber is important because it is being reported that his Nano technology is showing up in some of the vaccines
In 1958 the chief White House advisor on weather modification, Captain Howard T.
Orville, said the U.S. defense department was studying "ways to manipulate the
charges of the earth and sky and so affect the weather" by using an electronic
beam to ionize or de-ionize the atmosphere over a given area.
The Department of Commerce Weather Bureau reported in 1960 that they were conducting
a weather modification study in which, "Chemicals are introduced into the cloud which
noticeably changes the surface tension of the droplets. Electrification effects are
being observed by artificially electrifying the droplets and subjecting them to
impressed electric fields."
Fifty years ago, US president John F Kennedy announced at the 1961 United Nations
General Assembly a proposition to implement schemes that could effectively predict and
control global weather patterns. "We shall propose further cooperative efforts between
all nations in weather prediction and eventually weather control."
Reference: "Chemtrails Exposed A New Manhattan Project" by Peter A. Kirby. This book outlines the government projects, the people and technology of how we got to where we are today.
After news reports of 215 children found buried near school in Canada
Not One Corpse Has Been Found In The 'Mass Grave' Of Indigenous Children In Canada. The whole story, it seems, was concocted... But, 57 church were burned down. And still no attempts to dig and find the truth.
First a reminder of JFK's words from April 21, 1961. The focus that day was to find a balance
between national security and freedom of the press. The clip tells me he understood the powers
lined up against him. They remain in power today with tremendous power over governments,
world organizations, media, banking, corporations and more.
His speech to the press at the Waldor Astor:
The Synarchy
One more comment before starting: This is one of many descriptions of synarchism:
synarchism was the central feature of the organization of the fascist governments of
Italy, Germany, Spain, and Vichy and Laval France (free zone during WW2), during that
period, and was also spread as a Spanish channel of the Nazi Party, through Mexico,
throughout Central and South America. The PAN party of Mexico was born as an outgrowth
of this infiltration.
The word synarchy is used, especially among French and Spanish speakers, to describe
a shadow government or deep state, a form of government where political power effectively
rests with a secret elite, in contrast to an oligarchy where the elite is or could be known
by the public.
The videos of John OLoughlin can be found on his YouTube Channel McDuff Lives
(search on his site for sysnachism to see the 4 videos in the series).
The full David Icke video was pulled off of Bitchute below is a link to one of his
many interviews (skip a minute in to avoid the commercial). Richard Belser
address the Press Club is outstanding. The link is also below.
McDuff's YouTube Channel. David Icke Interview. Rich Belsar discusses his book Hit List - full video.
Below is a Link to a reading of "Rulers of Evil" outlining Pagan art in Washington DC
and the influence/involvement of Mason/Jesuits/Catholics in the Lincoln assignation.
At the link below there is a 1 hour 15 minute interview with Cognitive Scientist who discusses the phenomenon of pandemic groupthink on Covid. This guy is very smart and hard to
follow. Hopefuly, you will find it worth your time.
INTERVIEW: Dr. Mark Changizi on Human Behavior and Covid Groupthink
While I've seen a lot of videos and articals warning about the vaccine I have been reclucant to
post them because they are so distrubing. In the 1st link below Dr. Cole discusses the link between the Vax and cancer (1.5 Minutes). The second video (2 minutes) Dr. Peter McCullough states it is clear the vaccine is causing deaths in children.
In this one hour video Dr Ardis sites an Italian study that examimed the blood, urine and faecal samples from those who died from COVID.
They found traces of 36 different types of vemon. Dr Ardis goes on to point out that synthenic venom is the cause of COVID.
Additionally, he goes to explain how the synthenic venom was cloned into e. cole thus
making a patient with an e. cole infection a mass producer of the synthenic venom.